Thursday, October 09, 2008

Another new toy!!

Another new toy!!
Originally uploaded by borealnz
My BBF camera finally arrived yesterday along with the photos I took when I was trialing it back in June (I wrote about it Here). It was wonderful to relive the week I had the camera through the photos I took. There are plenty of boring ones but there are some that I like -a surprisingly sharp one of a fence post is one of my favourites -I say surprisingly sharp because estimating distances for focus isn't one of my strong points. I now know that landscapes with a large amount of sky don't really work and that simple graphic subjects are the best. Considering I hadn't been a film camera user for several years I am surprised at how well the photos turned out.

The camera came in a clear plastic dome and I see from the instruction booklet it's referred to as a "birdcage" and you have to "set the camera free" before you can use it.
I can't wait to get the camera loaded with film so I can try it out the different masking options, it's so much fun to use!

The BBF page at Superheadz has more information on the camera and their gallery features a few of the photos I took.

Thursday, October 02, 2008


Originally uploaded by borealnz
No this isn’t going to be a blog entry about the virtues of dandelions or recipes for dandelion wine and salad but a story of my own special dandelion.
Years ago when I was at high school, we were studying plant biology and reproduction and this included growing plants from seeds and cuttings. You probably all know how easily they grow from small pieces of root, well this is what I did and it grew beautifully into a very handsome dandelion plant.Rather than throw away my plant at the end of the year I took it home and grew it like a pot-plant and it thrived on the attention as you can imagine. It even came with me when I started a new job in a different city and was staying at the YWCA. Visitors to my room were always puzzled as to why I had a dandelion in a pot on my windowsill –they probably thought I was slightly strange! Eventually though it succumbed to drought, the fate of many of my pot plants:-) I've always had a soft spot for these weeds since then.